Nazaret Vázquez Antón
Nazaret Vázquez is a young playwright and theater director, who uses theater to promote human rights. Since 2018 she is the director of Theatre for Roots, an organization that works with people in vulnerable situations in different parts of the world. She is a professor at Carlos III University, Madrid, where she teaches "Strategies for Social Inclusion through art".
Specifically, she has worked giving workshops to people deprived of liberty, refugees, migrants and people at risk of social exclusion. She has also conducted theater workshops on gender and new masculinities.
Her goal is to help with theater as a tool for peace education. Also to be able to make visible through different plays other realities to sensitize people and to promote education through the arts.
Academic background
Other interests/formations

Professional experience
Founder, Director and Coordinator of "Theatre for Roots" organization. Identification, formulation, implementation and coordination of social action projects with other social entities. Social intervention and art and theatre education teacher within the association with different groups of people in vulnerable situations, with a gender, identity, human rights and environmental perspective. Writer and director of artistic performances with a social aspect. Link to article about the residency.
Artist in residence in the IBERESCENA 2019 Formulation, coordination and execution of scenic creation workshops with a gender and environmental perspective, together with women, children and teenagers in the secondary and public school of San Francisco as well as in the social center "Entreamigos”. Research and documentation on gender violence. Theater as an educational, cooperative and social tool with different populations in the field, to raise awareness about the environment, gender perspective and prevention of gender and domestic violence and sexual reproduction. Link to article about the residency. -
Director, playwright and coordinator of the show "Colombia Es", theatrical work to raise awareness about the armed conflict in Colombia, communities and community initiatives as responses in the conflict. Community work with people from Colombia directly or indirectly affected by the Colombian conflict in Madrid, Spain. Link to article from El País.
Coordinator at Theatre for Roots of a cultural and social project with PBI, MUNDUBAT of awareness and education through theatre about Central American migrations and the Peace Process in Colombia subsidized by the city council of Madrid, Spain. Responsible for the strategies of initiation, planning, design, execution, monitoring, control and closure of the project. Coordination of the two plays and the cultural and project management. Follow-up and accompaniment of the project and its social part. Work with refugees and exiles who have suffered the conflict in Colombia and reside in Spain.
(Ministry of Justice, INPEC, Colsubsidio, Fundación Acción Interna and Teatro interno) Bogotá, Colombia. Theatre teaching staff and psychosocial accompaniment to persons deprived of liberty who are in the process of resocialization in the House of Freedom.
rganizer and Facilitator of "Women, Migrant and Cultural Identity" event, produced by CCEMX, AECID, Mexico City. Exhibition event together with different gender experts on the issues of human trafficking, human rights violations and migration with a gender perspective. Link event. Streaming :
Coordinator of a children’s and teenagers’ theatre festival produced by CCEMX, Mexico City, at AECID (AGENCIA DE COOPERACIÓN ESPAÑOLA). Mexico City.