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Youth Ambassadors

Alaa Khachi

Alaa is an interactive theater trainer, singer and Voice-Over artist from Damascus in Syria.

He also has the experience in the field of volunteerism and humanitarian work for more than 15 years, and is a member of Y-PEER Network Alumni board.

He is currentlys tudyuing for online master degree in international cooperation and humanitarian aid – at the Kalu institute in Spain and has worked for more than five years with the Unietd Nations Population Fund.

He is passionate about developing and using interactive methods to spread positivity and happiness around the world.

He started as a participant in Interactive Theater Program in 2009 with the United Nations Population Fund and the Y-PEER network.

Then he spent more than 10 years practicing and training youth on interactive theater techniques after completing the training of trainers in Interactive Theater in Beirut –Lebanon (AUB) and Advance training in Amman - Jordan (NCCA

Where Alaa trained more than 500 young men and women in various Syrian governorates and graduated more of 100 trainers in interactive theater techniques, of all age groups.

Alaa’s participated in establishing a training team for interactive theater in Syria, which in turn developed tools and mechanisms for implementing interactive theater training, in addition to creative ways to present the results of these exercises (example: Interactive Theater Festival that was implemented twice in Syria)
