Radio Balantataw Interviews on “Indigenous Lives Matter”
Cecile Alvarez, UNESCO Artist for Peace and President Emeritus of the ITI Philippines acted as the host, and Viktor Sebek as co-host, in a programme of interviews conducted for the award winning RADIO BALANTATAW in the Philippines on indigenous lives matter. These interviews preceded by an hour the official launch of SSCC network on Indigenous and Afro Affairs the same day, also in the Philippines.
The following persons took part in interviews:
Senator Susana Harp, Chairperson of the Culture Commission of the Senate of Mexico;
Gretty Vargas, Minister for Peoples and Nationalities (indigenous peoples) of Ecuador
Claudia Turbay, former Ambassador of Colombia to Ghana and 8 West African countries and
John Marazita, Special Envoy of Kiribati to the International Labour Organization and President and CEO of EMRU in Kiribati.