Photographs demonstrate geographic distribution of programmes of SSCC

An Wayúu girl from Guajira, Colombia

Dancer from Uzbekistan

Thamudic petroglyphs in northern Saudi Arabia

Baalbek, Lebanon

The Batad Rice Terraces, Philippines

Umayyad Mosque in Damascus

Pattadakal, Karnataka, India

Unveiling of Tree of Peace in Athens

Bayon, Angor, Cambodia

Festival in Nepal

Festival in Braganza, Brazil

Petra, Jordan

Omo Valley, Ethiopia

Lady from Bahia, Brazil

Festival in the Philippines

Mezquita mosque in Cordoba

Carnival in Barranquilla, Colombia

Statue in Luang Prabang, Laos

Lake Titicaca, Bolivia

Machu Pichu, Perù

Palenqueras, Cartagena de Indias - Colombia

National Park El Cajas, Ecuador
Welcome to SSCC
Since its establishment in 2016 in Colombia, SSCC, a global network for south-south dialogue, has joined forces with many policy makers and academic experts across the global south to seek novel mechanisms for strengthening peace and popularizing and implementing Sustainable Development Goals.
It has expanded its operations in the Americas, Africa, Arab world and Asia/Pacific and has embarked on a series of concrete programmes.
They include cultural diplomacy and using arts to contribute to the culture of peace. The programmes, and SSCC chief players are described in greater detail on the website.

Manila SDG Festival
This event popularizes and strengthens SDGs: the pillar of the United Nations policies
Youth Ambassadors
Cultural Diplomacy
Using art as a tool for strengthening peace with partners on all continents
Links with UNESCO
UNESCO cultural diversity programme